Category Archives: Funny

Analog Everything

With the rise of the internet, the ease of taking your laptop everywhere, and streaming Netflix, the age of analog is surely coming to an end. For those of you who are still purists, or maybe just love a little throw back, check out these awesome Animi Causa notebooks! Available here for only $21!!!

Return of the Beasties

‘Nuff said right here:

Hot Wheels Goes BIG!

Clever ad campaign from Hot Wheels is making a big impression in Columbia. Ad agency Ogilvy & Mather created a giant loop that they installed, complete with street signs above a Columbian motor way! via.

New Photo Meme?

We sure hope not… But just incase here‘s where you can get it.

Urban Traps

I’ve been seeing images of these traps for about a week now online. Geared toward the most typical of “hipsters” these street art traps are simply made of laminate paper painted and distressed to look like an old bear trap with all the essentials to start yourself to hipsterdom (a pack of American Spirit cigarettes, […]

Shower Notes

If you’re anything like me, you’re on the go all the time. It seems every time you have a good idea you are in the worst place to be able to write it down, meeting with the bosses, or even worse, the shower. By the time you finish drying off and cleaning out your ears, […]

Exit Through The Pet Shop

Probably not the first spoof on Banksy’s Oscar Nominated film Exit Through The Gift Shop, but hilarious and random nonetheless.

The Kraken

Situation: You’re the captain on a boat trying to maneuver around in the sea. Can you do it? Can you get your crew safely to harbor? If your answer was no, then I’ve got a little insider tip for you, The Kraken: The Simulation Application for Nautical Maneuvering. Downloadable for the iPhone, you will surely […]


Have you ever wanted to just reverse that gold star and make it into a little red X? Well here’s something for all our college professors, jerk bosses, or minions to let them know how we really feel without being too obvious. These rubber stamps, created by Heather K. Phillips, are 12 different ways to […]

Cupid Came Late (and he looked different this time…)

Ok, ok, I know I’m late on the whole cupid thing, but drowning in my lack of love sorrows was way more more important than hunting for the one. I was brought back to reality with this hilarious silhouette illustration by Ji Lee wondering what your cupid would look like. via.